Hassnain /


Covid-19 and uncertain economic environment has bewildered Human Resource Departments of entire logistics industry. Period of steep economic decline and uncertainty in market place has convinced Human Resource Departments of an organization for budget constraint. Economists are indicating this decline may last for years. On-boarded manpower, previously considered assets turned liability for many organization. Human Resource Department to maximum organization has stopped hiring employees due to budget constraints. Insufficient manpower undoubtedly leads to disruption in service level of departments in reaching out their customer.

Direct Impact on Retail Logistics

Logistics department efficiency in reaching out customer is up to their loading & lead time capabilities. Delays in delivery of goods/service might had worked in past due to monopoly and limited options customers had but in on-going era “Era of Technology” has provided customers with thousands of options to go on with. In today’s world, shoppers loyalty toward brand is changing, term “brand conscious” is getting replaced with “quality consciousness and lead time”.

Failure of Logistic Can Ruin Efforts of Marketing Department

Failure in timely supplies, especially in fast moving consumers good’s sector may have an obvious and worst impacts on efforts made by Marketing Department, in attaining dedicated shelf place in supermarkets. Supermarkets may reduce your shelf place and give your shelf share to other suppliers if you fail to supply timely. Re-attaining loosed shelf place again might be a challenge for marketers. Loosed shelf place mean, shoppers with cart may switch to other brand of same category.

Budget Constraint – Turn Fix Cost to Variable to Improve Performance

The supply chain sector faces a shortage in both skilled and unskilled labor, making it difficult for many shippers to maintain a reliable workforce. This shortage extends from the warehouse floor to the manager’s office.

While reliable labor is perhaps one of the greatest benefits offered by 3PLs in general, turning labor into a variable cost offers a substantial positive impact on the bottom line. The 3PL handles human resources, insurance, visa and other benefits, all while scaling labor up or down based on demand for each client.

3PLs offer cheap and cost efficient solutions to turn potentially crippling fixed costs into more manageable variable expenses. Evaluate your fixed cost today, you may find it alarming to your company budget. Reach out 3PL and ask how they can help you in reducing the strains of fixed costs on your budget. Increase in number of workers will have an obvious impact on logistics department’s performance.

Would you like to know how Road Star can help you in saving your budget by outsourcing, contact us at info@roadstartransport.ae or visit www.roadstartransport.ae


Variable costs offer an ideal way for many shippers to keep money in their proverbial pocket when things are slower without sacrificing service when orders pick up.
Too many fixed costs can sink any business—especially newer businesses without a steady profit stream. Fixed costs refer to recurring costs such as rent, taxes, utilities, salaries, and other such necessities. Unlike fixed costs, variable costs fluctuate based on multiple factors, such as product volume or service usage.
In most cases, variable costs are preferred because they adjust proportionately to the peaks and valleys of the business. Variable costs offer an ideal way for many shippers to keep money in their proverbial pocket when things are slower without sacrificing service when orders pick up.
While some of these costs cannot be avoided, many can be converted to variable costs by enlisting a third-party logistics (3PL) provider. The following expenses can be made variable via outsourcing:


The supply chain sector faces a shortage in both skilled and unskilled labor, making it difficult for many shippers to maintain a reliable workforce. This shortage extends from the warehouse floor to the manager’s office.
While reliable labor is perhaps one of the greatest benefits offered by 3PLs in general, turning labor into a variable cost offers a substantial positive impact on the bottom line. The 3PL handles human resources, insurance, visa and other benefits, all while scaling labor up or down based on demand for each client.


The fixed cost of logistics can eat away supply chain budget. Point of concern is that assigned budget whatever it is, will be consumed either supplies are made or not. As in company own managed fleet for logistics, only fuel cost can be reduced in case of no supply. Whereas 90% of budget can be saved if turned to variable cost by outsourcing logistics to 3PL service provider.
3PLs roll these costs into their customer rates, often providing a substantial discount over what the shipper would pay for the solutions directly. Given the narrow margins faced by logistics providers, most have invested heavily in a full suite of supply chain solutions to drive efficiency in every area. Customers ultimately benefit from these investments at a much lower cost.


3PLs offer cheap and cost efficient solutions for to turn potentially crippling fixed costs into more manageable variable expenses. Evaluate your fixed cost today, you may find it alarming to your company budget. Reach out 3PL and ask how they can help you in reducing the strains of fixed costs on your budget.
Would you like to know how Road Star can help you in saving your budget by outsourcing, contact us at info@roadstartransport.ae or visit www.roadstartransport.ae


September 17, 2015 4Hassnain

Consectetur adipiscing elit, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed vel dolor aliquet, sollicitudin elit eget, egestas arcu. Cras a tristique tellus, nec congue leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor aliquet, sollicitudin elit eget, egestas arcu. Cras a tristique tellus, nec congue leo. Aliquam ac nisi vel felis facilisis varius. Quisque varius velit lacinia massa pulvinar laoreet.

Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

The Dude
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque massa et metus mattis, a auctor est tincidunt. Morbi tincidunt dolor a tincidunt auctor. Vestibulum a metus vitae eros hendrerit sodales nec in sem. Vestibulum in libero mauris. Sed finibus, sapien vitae ornare iaculis, enim nunc viverra justo, nec volutpat leo erat et magna. Integer tempor nisi et est aliquet, eget ullamcorper ante placerat. In ultricies lobortis tortor, viverra feugiat erat viverra ac. Quisque tristique augue vitae vulputate molestie. Pellentesque at cursus libero. Donec non varius ligula, id gravida velit. Sed id scelerisque nulla. Mauris ac tempus tellus. Quisque mattis nec sem a pulvinar. Aliquam malesuada, eros vel dignissim dictum, lacus ante vestibulum elit, eget dictum lectus urna pretium ligula. Praesent tristique vestibulum lorem vitae commodo. Integer molestie dapibus lacus, in tempor dui elementum id.

August 21, 2015 Hassnain

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque massa et metus mattis, a auctor est tincidunt. Morbi tincidunt dolor a tincidunt auctor. Vestibulum a metus vitae eros hendrerit sodales nec in sem. Vestibulum in libero mauris. Sed finibus, sapien vitae ornare iaculis, enim nunc viverra justo, nec volutpat leo erat et magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor aliquet, sollicitudin elit eget, egestas arcu. Cras a tristique tellus, nec congue leo. Aliquam ac nisi vel felis facilisis varius. Quisque varius velit lacinia massa pulvinar laoreet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor aliquet, sollicitudin elit eget, egestas arcu. Cras a tristique tellus, nec congue leo. Aliquam ac nisi vel felis facilisis varius. Quisque varius velit lacinia massa pulvinar laoreet.

Road Star Cargo & Transport

We are UAE-based Cargo & Transportation company, Registered in 2007 under the companies  act of UAE. Since a decade, we are providing our services to leading MNCs & SMEs.

“We Are Your Route to Market”

Offices: Ajman, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah and RAK

Office in Dubai

  • Office#105, Oberoi Building, Al Qouz 4 Dubai
  • +971 4 321 8553
  • info@roadstartransport.com

Other Offices:  Ajman, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah and RAK